Building Designers

Pro Planning offers the expertise of in-house building designers, delivering
benchmark projects, including residential, mixed-use and commercial

The Complete Service

Understanding your client is fundamental to creating the right environment. We at Pro Planning understand that individual tastes differ, and therefore take the view that the client’s wishes must always come first. By using our design skills and expertise we are able to provide the best possible solutions to our client’s specifications.

It is our ability to interpret and foresee our clients’ needs through our creativity, innovative design approach and technical solutions.

Our extensive experience in residential and commercial development enables our reputable and capable team to produce outstanding design responses which constantly exceed client and public expectations.

Our commitment to functionality and sustainable design is coupled with our ability to provide our clients with efficient and reliable building design services; this in turn facilitates our strategic design process.

Pro Planning Pty Ltd is particularly committed to establishing a rapport with all of our clients. This is achieved by ensuring that our clients are well informed throughout all stages of the design process, from conception to development design through to building approval of the project – we believe our client’s awareness is integral to the success of a projects final design solution.

Imperative consideration such as determining cost-effective solutions, environmental factors, comprehensively understanding our clients concerns, social constraints and demographics etc., are appropriately tackled throughout extensive investigation and application of research. Through our broad range of experience, we have established excellent self-evaluative abilities. These skills have enabled us to refine our design methodology to suit the individual needs of our clients and constantly improve our efficiency.

The Pro Planning Process

At Pro Planning, we provide a wide range of building design and related services to satisfy your needs and consult with clients every step of the way to make the process as easy and efficient as possible.

As members of Design Matters National, our designers are highly experienced in all aspects of building design, with the ability to produce drawings for any type or class of building, including residential, industrial, commercial and institutional. A typical structure is followed for all projects, which is sorted into different stages as listed below:

Feasibility Study

The first stage in building design is to investigate the site and surrounding areas, along with zoning, overlays and local and state planning policies, which may affect the site.

With this information we can prepare building envelope drawings, to assist in determining the capabilities of the site to cater for the type of development proposed. In general, these drawings identify location and size of buildings, carparking, site access and open space.

These drawings can be used for preliminary meetings with the relevant consultants, for example, council town planners, and to assist in determining at an early stage whether the development   be able to realise its goals.

Concept design development

Once the feasibility study is complete and commencement of the project is approved, the generation of the building design will start. A detailed client brief is established through the use of our standard client brief form. From this, our building designers are able to develop sketch plans and elevations showing layouts, room sizes, window and door locations, building forms and material selections.

Town planning application

After an agreed design is completed in the concept design stage, it may then require approval from the town planning department under local and state planning policies. The documentation required by council includes:

  • Neighbourhood & site description plan
  • Photo montage of streetscape and surrounding buildings
  • Design response plan: showing the proposed design on the subject site in relation to surrounding buildings
  • Design response elevations: showing how the proposed development sits in the streetscape
  • Proposed plans and elevations
  • Shadow diagrams
  • Landscape plans (as required)
  • Energy rating reports
  • External materials & colour schedule
  • Written report describing site and surrounding areas and detailing the proposal in relation to current state and local planning policies including recode standards and objectives.

Building permit application

The drawings and documentation required when lodging a building permit application include:

Architectural Working Drawings

  • Floor plans: fully dimensioned and annotated, nominating window sizes, doors, fixture locations, wall constructions types and finished floor levels.
  • Elevations: fully dimensioned and annotated, nominating cladding materials, window types, ceiling levels
  • Sections: fully dimensioned and annotated, nominating construction types, details and materials
  • General notes and details relating to construction methods to ensure building is built in accordance with relevant regulations, codes and standards, manufacturer’s details, and construction recommendations.